Shock Room the documentary (2014), directed by Kathryn Millard, looks at the world famous obedience experiments by Stanley Milgram. It combines dramatisations, animation, archival film and interviews with psychologists Alex Haslam and Steve Reicher, providing new insights about how and why people refuse to inflict harm and the conclusions of the world’s most famous psychology experiment.
All original illustrations and animations, title design and animation, motion graphics and credits created by Tess Boughton in Photoshop and After Effects.
An animated music video for the song "Kick Drum Heart" by The Avett Brothers. This was a personal project done for the love of the music and to experiment with new animation techniques including frame-by-frame digitally painted animation and animating in Photoshop.
It was completed in 2013 in only 10 weeks using After Effects and Photoshop to achieve the final product.
Pink Lemonade was completed by Tess Boughton as part of the Master of Animation course at UTS in 2009. It was undertaken as an individual project and took 9 months from concept design to final render. It was created in Maya, Mudbox, After Effects, Photoshop and Final Cut Pro.
Original illustrations and 2D animation completed in Photoshop and After Effects in 2009 over 2 days, for a short animation festival with the theme "underdog".