The End of the Wharf.
As we know it… #thewharfrevue #politicalsatire #livetheatre #comedy #kindredspirits #itstheendofthewharfasweknowit
Fit to Dive.
Teresita Rosita hadn’t really doubted her fitness in the water previously… but now she had a piece of paper to prove it… #divemedical #divemastertraining #almostthere #readytodive #scubalife
HR Department.
Would could have been a rather nasty HR incident had been averted with a perfectly timed special delivery of wasabi snacks from Mark the Shark and Gud Time Chikin… #wasabisnacks #wasabi #hrdepartment #ahappyhomehassnacks
Surface Time.
Meant sunburn time… Teresita Rosita helped out with the Rescue Dive course this weekend… she’d unfortunately forgotten just how much time was spent on top of the water rather than beneath y… poor red schnoz… #sunburn #divemastertraining #divemasterlife #surfaceskills #scuba
A Friday Fav.
Sunshine, some refreshing beverages, old haunts and new news, the way Friday afternoons should be spent… #erko #erskinville #roseofaustralia #publunch #longlunch #springday
Fancy Feast.
And a final hurrah to their 10th anniversary celebrations… all thanks to some fast expiring vouchers that just needed to be used for such an occasion… #bennelongrestaurant #bennelong #longlunch #anniversary #ayearofcelebrations
Party Like it’s 2000.
Teresita Rosita, Dr Chicken and many others of a similar vintage got back to their noughties roots with some classic Gomez times… #gomez #partylikeits2000 #liquidskin #backintheday
Tired Turtle.
Maybe it was the weather, maybe it was a couple of nights of poor sleep… whatever it was, Teresita Rosita was tired and with no rest in sight over the weekend ahead, it looked like the prognosis for the next little while… #tired #norest #norestforthewicked
The Substance.
It changed Teresita Rosita’s life… wow… just wow… #thesubstance #bodyhorror #itchangedmylife #anightatthemovies
Tiny Quesadillas.
Teensy tortillas made for mini quesadillas… it just meant you got to eat more of them… #quesadillas #miniquesadillas #mrtortilla #ketotortillas
Everyone - especially Teresita Rosita and Dr Chicken way back in the audience - played second fiddle to Miss Celine Dion in this utterly fabulous retelling of Titanic! #titanique #musical #musicalparody
Neoprene Panda.
After 154 days on land, it was time to get back beneath the waves… it just required a hello of a lot of neoprene to keep warm in the (still) chilly water… #scuba #scubasydney #divemastertraining #getwet #lifesbetterinthewater
Halloween called for a bit of horror, a bit of fun and a whole lot of Re-animation (in EVERY sense of the phrase - re-animating at work, Re-Animator the movie, and some re-animation of a couple of tired people)… #halloween #horror #reanimator #reanimation #horrormovies
New Tracks.
In the old hood… #marrickville #cooksriver #marrickvillegolfcourse #foresttrail #alwayssomethingnew
A necessity when one was feeling a little weary and under the weather… #sunshine #soakage #manly #beachtime #vitamind #vitaminbeach
“First caress the surface”… ramen eating lessons from a seminal “Ramen Western”… #tampopo #ramenwestern #35mm #classiccinema
A Winning Team.
It was always wonderful to be part of an amazing team… it was even more exciting to be part of a team that wins for being so amazing… #australianeventawards #australianevents #3dprojectionmapping #bestdesign #awards #awinningteam
She’s a Maniax.
No, not really…. Teresita Rosita proved her non-competitive, non-violet streak was a firm fixture these days by demonstrating a real lack at talent with axe throwing… #maniax #throwanaxe #timeforbeer #illseeyouatthebar
Dog Trumpet.
Was a strange beast but made some good noise… #dogtrumpet #camelotlounge #marrickville #livemusic #supportaustralianmusic
The Street Library Trail.
Was a great incentive to walk into town - you just never knew when you’d find that one book you’d been wanting to read forever… #streetlibrary #innerwestisbest #shareabook #readabook